Advanced 3D magnetic scaffolds for the treatment and bone regeneration were obtained using methods that mimic the processes in healthy bone. The obtained scaffolds are based on components from bone (collagen, hyaluronic acid, calcium phosphates), but also additional elements (magnetic nanoparticles) are included and can be loaded with drugs and/or biological compounds involved in bone regeneration processes.
The composition and 3D architecture control the degradation in biological environments and the mechanical properties, in particular the modulus of elasticity registered, are close to those of cancellous bone tissue, and indicates a good behavior in porous bone structures. The obtained scaffolds stimulate the repair processes at the level of bone structures, through composition, 3D architecture, and under the influence of an external magnetic field, representing an innovative solution for the treatment and regeneration of the bone.

ISI journals
- Chiriac AP, Rusu AG, Nita LE, Macsim AM, Tudorachi N, Rosca I, Stoica I, Timpu D, Aflori M, Doroftei F; Synthesis of Poly(Ethylene brassylate-co-squaric acid) as Potential Essential Oil Carrier; Pharmaceutics 2021, 13, 477. https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics13040477
- Chiriac AP, Rusu AG, Nita LE, Chiriac VM, Neamtu I, Sandu A; Polymeric Carriers Designed for Encapsulation of Essential Oils with Biological Activity; Pharmaceutics 2021, 13, 631. https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics13050631
- Chiriac AP, Stoleru E, Rosca I, Serban A, Nita LE, Rusu AG, Ghilan A, Macsim AM, Mititelu-Tartau L, Development of a new polymer network system carrier of essential oils, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 149, May 2022, 112919 (IF 6.529)
- Chiriac AP, Asandulesa M, Stoica I, Tudorachi N, Rusu AG, Nita LE, Chiriac VM, Timpu D, Comparative study on the properties of a bio-based copolymacrolactone system, Polymer Testing, Volume 109, May 2022, 107555 (IF 4.931)
ISI conferences
- Cojocaru FD, Mihai AS, Balan V, Peptu CA, Butnaru M, Verestiuc L, Composite scaffolds with inclusion of magnetite nanoparticles for bone tissue engineering, 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering, November 3-5, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
- Sandu AE, Chiriac AP, Rusu AG, Serban AM, Nita LE, Gille E; New polymeric particles loaded with sea buckthorn essential oil; prezentata oral si publicata in volumul EHB indexat; The 9th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering – EHB 2021; Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Web Conference, Romania, November 18-19, 2021
- Cojocaru FD, Balan V, Istrate B, Butnaru M, Verestiuc L, A comparative study on the morphology and in vitro behaviour of biopolymers/ceramic-based scaffolds obtained by drying and lyophylization techniques, acceptata in volumul indexat ISI; the 10th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering – EHB 2022; November 17-19, 2022, Romania
International Conferences
- Cojocaru FD, Mihai AS, Balan V, Peptu CA, Butnaru M, Verestiuc L, Composite scaffolds with inclusion of magnetite nanoparticles for bone tissue engineering, 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering, November 3-5, 2021, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
- Sandu AE, Chiriac AP, Rusu AG, Serban AM, Nita LE, Gille E; New polymeric particles loaded with sea buckthorn essential oil; prezentata oral si publicata in volumul EHB indexat; The 9th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering – EHB 2021; Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Web Conference, Romania, November 18-19, 2021
- Cojocaru FD, Balan V, Mihai AS, Butnaru A, Serban AM, Verestiuc L, SPIONs – biopolymers – calcium phosphates composites as magnetically stimulated scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration, 18th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN21), 6-9 July 2021, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Verestiuc L, 3D Scaffolded Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine, 9th International Conference “Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering & Medical Devices” BIOMMEDD’2022, Bucharest (Romania), July 20-22th, 2022
- Cojocaru FD, Balan V, Butnaru M, Mares M, Nastata V, Pasca AS, Verestiuc L, 3D composite scaffolds with potential use for bone tissue engineering, 9th International Conference “Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering & Medical Devices” BIOMMEDD’2022, Bucharest (Romania), July 20-22th, 2022
- Botezatu I, Cobzariu I, Cojocaru FD, Balan V, Nita LE, Verestiuc L, 3D-printable functionalised gelatin/chitosan, hyaluronic acid, hydroxyapatite and magnetic nanoparticle scaffolds for bone regeneration, în cadrul Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS) European Chapter Conference 2022, 28 Iunie – 1 Iulie, la Cracovia, Polonia
- Cojocaru FD, Balan V, Butnaru M, Mares M, Nastata V, Pasca AS, Verestiuc L, In vitro and in vivo evaluation of composite scaffolds with magnetic nanoparticles for tissue engineering applications, 19th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN22), 5-8 July 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Cojocaru FD, Balan V, Istrate B, Butnaru M, Verestiuc L, A comparative study on the morphology and in vitro behaviour of biopolymers/ceramic-based scaffolds obtained by drying and lyophylization techniques, acceptata in volumul indexat ISI; the 10th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering – EHB 2022; November 17-19, 2022, Romania
National Conferences
- Verestiuc L, Materiale şi tehnologii avansate pentru medicina regenerativă, Conferința „Rolul Spitalelor Municipale, Orășenești, Mono-specialitate în îmbunătățirea calității actului medical, prezent și perspective” editia a II-a, 03 – 04 septembrie 2021
- Mihai AS, Toader CV, Verestiuc L, Biomateriale compozite biodegradabile inovative pentru bioingineria și regenerarea țesutului osos, Conferința Națională de Bioinginerie Pentru Studenți și Tineri Cercetători (BENG Conference), EDIȚIA a XXIII-a, 22-25 APRILIE 2021, Iasi, Romania
- Botezatu I, Cobzariu I, Verestiuc L, Suporturi compozite bioimprimate 3d pentru ingineria tisulară a osului, BENG CONFERENCE, Conferința Națională de Bioinginerie pentru Studenți și Tineri Cercetători, Ediția a XXIV-a, 14-17 Aprilie 2022, Iași, Romania